- Important Notes
- Day 1: Array I
- Day 2: Array II
- Day 3: Array III
- Day 4: Array IV
- Day 5: Linked List
- Day 6: Linked List II
- Day 7: Linked List, Arrays
- Day 8: Greey Algorithm
- Day 9: Recursion
- Day 10: Recursion, Backtracking
- Day 11
- Day 12: Heaps
- Day 13: Stack and Queues
- Day 14: Stack and Queues II
- Day 15: String
- Day 16: String II
- Day 17: Binary Tree
- Day 18: Binary Tree II
- Day 19: Binary Tree III
- Day 20: Binary Search Tree
- Day 21: Binary Search Tree II
- Day 22: Binary Tree (Miscellaneous)
- Day 23: Graph
- Day 23: Graph II
Important Notes
- Algorithms
- Greedy:
- Optimization probelms which either demand minimum result or maximum result.
- Feasible Solution: Solutions which satisfying the given contraint, can be multiple feasible solution for a problem.
- Optimization Solution: Solution which is already feasible but gives the minimum/maximum result.
- Minimization Problem: Problem demands result should be minimum.
- Maximization Problem: Problem demands result should be maximum.
- Optimization Problem: Problem demands result to be minimized or maximized.
- Greedy:
- Data Structures
- Heap:
- Monotonic Stack:
- A monotonic stack is a type of stack data structure that is either entirely non-increasing or non-decreasing.
- Useful for:
- Next Greater/Next Smaller
- Histogram Problems
- Stock Span
- Sliding Window: Helps in maintaining the maximum value in a sliding window efficiently.
- Types:
Interval problems
- Sorting: Most problems require sorting intervals by the start time.
- Edge Cases: Test with single intervals, completely overlapping intervals, and adjacent intervals.
- Efficient Merging: Use a stack or list to merge intervals efficiently.
- Two Pointers: Common for overlapping or meeting room problems.
Day 1: Array I
- Set Matrix Zero
- Brute Force:
- Iterate matrix and when found 0, mark all the elements of same row and col as -1.
- Iterate whole matrix again and convert all -1 to 0
- TC: O(MN)O(M+N)+O(M*N), SC: O(n)
- Better:
- Create a seperate array of row[m] and col[n]
- Iterate matrix and mark -1 of arrays indexes at the corresponding 0’s found.
- Iterate matrix and use arrays to update it
- TC: O(2MN), SC: O(N)+O(M)
fun setZeroes(matrix: Array<IntArray>): Unit { val m = matrix.size val n = matrix[0].size var row = IntArray(m){0} var col = IntArray(n){0} for(i in 0 until m){ for(j in 0 until n){ if(matrix[i][j] == 0){ row[i] = -1 col[j] = -1 } } } for(i in 0 until m){ for(j in 0 until n){ if(row[i] == -1 || col[j] == -1){ matrix[i][j] = 0 } } } }
- Optimal:
- Use 1st row and column as place holder for i,j
- Use col0 to hold 0 in j
- Update (1,1) to (m,n) using 1st row and col values
- Update 1st row using [0,0] and 1st col using col0
fun setZeroes(matrix: Array<IntArray>): Unit { val m = matrix.size val n = matrix[0].size var col0 = -1 for(i in 0 until m){ for(j in 0 until n){ if(matrix[i][j] == 0){ if(j==0) col0 = 0 else matrix[0][j] = 0 matrix[i][0] = 0 } } } //(1,1) to (m,n) for(i in 1 until m){ for(j in 1 until n){ if(matrix[i][0] == 0 || matrix[0][j] == 0){ matrix[i][j] = 0 } } } //first row and col if(matrix[0][0]==0){ for(i in 0 until n) matrix[0][i] = 0 } if(col0 == 0){ for(i in 0 until m) matrix[i][0] = 0 } }
- Brute Force:
- Next Permutation
- Brute Force:
- Generate all the sorted permutations
- Linear Search the current
- Return next or first if last
- TC: O(N!*N), N! = N factorial
- Optimal:
- Ex:
- Longest prefix match as possible/breakpoint:
a[i] < a[i+1]: 1,5
- find >i, but the smallest one:
, so that you stay close - Try to place remaining in sorted order
fun nextPermutation(nums: IntArray): Unit { var bp = -1 val n = nums.size //1 find the breaking point for(i in (n-2) downTo 0){ if(nums[i]<nums[i+1]){ bp = i break } } //2 find smallest bigger number if(bp>=0){ for(i in (n-1) downTo bp){ if(nums[i]>nums[bp]){ swap(nums,i,bp) break } } } //3 revserse the left numbers reverse(nums,bp+1) } fun reverse(nums: IntArray,start: Int){ var i = start var j = nums.size-1 while(i<j){ swap(nums,i,j) i++ j-- } } fun swap(nums: IntArray,i: Int, j:Int){ val temp = nums[i] nums[i] = nums[j] nums[j] = temp }
- Ex:
- Brute Force:
- Kadane’s’ Algorithm
- Brute Force:
- Use 2 loops to get start and end index of subarray.
- Use 1 loop to sum of that sub array from start to end
- TC: O(N^3)
- Better:
- We can remove the third loop by adding the new item into previous sum of subarray,
, and getmaxOf(sum,max)
- TC: O(N^2)
- We can remove the third loop by adding the new item into previous sum of subarray,
- Optimal: Kadane’s algorithm
- The intuition of the algorithm is not to consider the subarray as a part of the answer if its sum is less than 0.
- TC: O(N)
fun maxSubArray(nums: IntArray): Int { var max = Int.MIN_VALUE var sum = 0 for(i in 0 until nums.size){ sum+=nums[i] max = maxOf(sum,max) if(sum<0) sum = 0 } return max }
- Brute Force:
- Sort Colors
- Brute Force:
- Sort the array
- TC: O(N*logN)
- Better:
- Count the occurence of 0,1,2 and put it again
- TC: O(N)+O(N)
- Optimal: Three Pointer & Dutch National Flag Algorithm
- TC: O(N)
//three pointer fun sortColors(nums: IntArray): Unit { var one = -1 var two = -1 var zero = -1 for(num in nums){ when(num){ 2 -> { nums[++two] = 2 } 1 ->{ nums[++two] = 2 nums[++one] = 1 } 0 ->{ nums[++two] = 2 nums[++one] = 1 nums[++zero] = 0 } } } } //dutch national flag algorithm fun sortColors(nums: IntArray): Unit { var low = 0 var mid = 0 var high = nums.size-1 while(mid<=high){ when(nums[mid]){ 0 ->{ swap(nums,low,mid) low++ mid++ } 1 ->{ mid++ } 2 ->{ swap(nums,mid,high) high-- } } } }
- Brute Force:
- Stock Buy And Sell
- Brute Force:
- Take two loops and find the max profit
- TC: O(N*N)
- Optimal:
- TC: O(N)
fun maxProfit(prices: IntArray): Int { var minLeft = Int.MAX_VALUE var profit = 0 for(price in prices){ minLeft = minOf(minLeft,price) val profitIfSoldToday = price-minLeft profit = maxOf(profit, profitIfSoldToday) } return profit }
- TC: O(N)
- Brute Force:
Day 2: Array II
- Rotate Image by 90 degree
- Brute Force:
- Create a new matrix and put items
- TC: O(NN), SC: O(NN)
- Optimal:
- Transpose matrix
- Reverse the matrix
- TC: O(N*N), SC: O(1)
fun rotate(mat: Array<IntArray>): Unit { val m = mat.size for(i in 0 until m){ for(j in i until m){ val temp = mat[i][j] mat[i][j] = mat[j][i] mat[j][i] = temp } } for(i in 0 until m){ for(j in 0 until m/2){ val temp = mat[i][j] mat[i][j] = mat[i][m-1-j] mat[i][m-1-j] = temp } } }
- Brute Force:
- Merge Intervals
- Brute Force:
- Sort if not sorted
- Use one loop to iterate all items and another loop to check (i+1,n-1) if they can be merged
- TC: O(N*N)
- Optimal:
- Sort if not sorted
- Insert first item in result, and iterate checking if last[1]>new[0].
- If true update last[1] with maxOf(last[1],new[1])
- Else insert in list
- TC: O(N*logN)+O(N)
fun merge(intervals: Array<IntArray>): Array<IntArray> { var ans = mutableListOf<IntArray>() intervals.sortBy{ it[0] } for(interval in intervals){ if(ans.isEmpty()){ ans.add(interval) continue } if(ans.last()[1]<interval[0]){ ans.add(interval) } else { ans.last()[1] = maxOf(ans.last()[1],interval[1]) } } return ans.toTypedArray() }
- Brute Force:
- Merge Sorted Array
- Optimal:
fun merge(nums1: IntArray, mo: Int, nums2: IntArray, no: Int): Unit { var m = mo-1 var n = no-1 var last = nums1.size-1 while(m>=0&&n>=0){ if(nums1[m]>nums2[n]){ nums1[last] = nums1[m] m-- }else{ nums1[last] = nums2[n] n-- } last-- } for(i in 0..n) nums1[i] = nums2[i] }
- Optimal:
- Find the duplicate in an array of N+1 integers
- Brute Force:
- Sort the array and iterate to find same consequetive number
- TC: O(N*logN)+O(N)
- Better:
- Using hashset and checking if it already exists.
- TC: O(N), SC: O(N)
- Optimal:
- Cannot modify the array:
Floyd's Tortoise and Hare Algorithm: Linked List Cycle Detection
- Use slow and fast pointers and find the cycle
- Set fast to nums[0]
- move both same till same again
- TC: O(N)
fun findDuplicate(nums: IntArray): Int { var slow = nums[0] var fast = nums[0] do{ slow = nums[slow] fast = nums[nums[fast]] }while(slow!=fast) fast = nums[0] while(slow!=fast){ slow = nums[slow] fast = nums[fast] } return slow }
- Can modify the array:
Cycle Sort
- Cannot modify the array:
- Brute Force:
- *Contains Duplicate
- Brute Force:
Use Two loops
- TC: O(N^2)
- Better:
- TC: O(N*logN)
- Optimal:
HashSet or HashMap
- TC: O(N), SC: O(N)
- Brute Force:
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Use binary search and keep moving start and end based on sorted part conditions
fun search(nums: IntArray, x: Int): Int { var n = nums.size var start = 0 var end = n-1 while(start<=end){ val mid = (start+end)/2 if(nums[mid]==x) return mid if(nums[start]<=nums[mid]){ //left half is sorted if(nums[start]<=x && x<nums[mid]){ //element is sorted part end = mid-1 }else{ start = mid+1 } }else{ //right half is sorted if(nums[mid]<x && x<=nums[end]){ //element is sorted part start = mid+1 }else{ end = mid-1 } } } return -1 }
- *Insert Interval
- Optimal:
- Add all intervals ending before newOne start
- Merge the overlapping ones
- Add the rest left over intervals
fun insert(intervals: Array<IntArray>, newInterval: IntArray): Array<IntArray> { var n = intervals.size val ans = mutableListOf<IntArray>() //add intervals ending before newOne var i = 0 while(i<n && intervals[i][1]<newInterval[0]){ ans.add(intervals[i]) i++ } //merge the overlapping ones var start = newInterval[0] var end = newInterval[1] while(i<n && intervals[i][0]<=end){ start = minOf(intervals[i][0],start) end = maxOf(intervals[i][1],end) i++ } ans.add(intArrayOf(start,end)) //add the rest intervals while(i<n){ ans.add(intervals[i]) i++ } return ans.toTypedArray() }
- Optimal:
- Non-overlapping Intervals
- Optimal:
- Sort by end
- Create pairEnd and update it based on
if(intervals[0] >= pairEnd)
fun eraseOverlapIntervals(intervals: Array<IntArray>): Int { intervals.sortBy { it[1] } var count = 0 var pairEnd = Int.MIN_VALUE for(interval in intervals){ if(interval[0]>=pairEnd){ pairEnd = interval[1] }else{ count++ } } return count }
- Optimal:
Day 3: Array III
- Search in a sorted 2D matrix
- Brute Force:
- Iterate matrix using two loops and find
- TC: O(M*N)
- Better:
Two Pointers
- Use two pointers,
i at 0,m-1
,j at (col.size-1,0)
- If mat[i][j]>target, j–, else i++
- TC: O(M+N)
fun searchMatrix(matrix: Array<IntArray>, target: Int): Boolean { val m = matrix.size val n = matrix[0].size var i = 0 var j = n-1 while(i<m && j>=0){ val cur = matrix[i][j] if(cur==target) return true if(cur>target) j-- else i++ } return false }
- Optimal:
Treat matrix as flattend array and use binary search
- Put start at 0, and end at m*n-1
- Calculate mid, and find the
curItem = matrix[mid/n][mid%n]
- TC: O(log(M*N))
fun searchMatrix(matrix: Array<IntArray>, target: Int): Boolean { val m = matrix.size val n = matrix[0].size var start = 0 var end = m*n-1 while(start<=end){ val mid = start+(end-start)/2 val cur = matrix[mid/n][mid%n] when { cur==target -> return true cur>target -> end = mid-1 cur<target -> start = mid+1 } } return false }
- Majority Element n/2
- Brute Force:
- Use two loops and find frequency for each element, return when it crosses n/2
- TC: O(N*N)
- Better:
- Use HashMap to store the frequency and keep checking while increasing the count. Stop once it’s count reaches n/2
- TC: O(N), SC: O(N)
- Optimal:
Moore's Voting Algorithm
- Use count, element variables
- TC: O(N)
fun majorityElement(nums: IntArray): Int { var count = 0 var ele = nums[0] for(num in nums){ if(count==0){ ele = num } if(num == ele) count++ else count-- } return ele }
- Majority Element n/3
- Same as n/2
- Same as n/2
- Optimal:
Extended Boyer Moore’s Voting Algorithm
- Use c1,e1 & c2,e2 to store the variables as there could be atmost 2 elements that can reach n/3 times
- TC: O(N)
fun majorityElement(nums: IntArray): List<Int> { var c1 = 0 var e1 = Int.MIN_VALUE var c2 = 0 var e2 = Int.MIN_VALUE for(num in nums){ when { c1==0 && e2!=num ->{ c1++ e1=num } c2==0 && e1!=num ->{ e2=num c2++ } e1==num -> c1++ e2==num -> c2++ else -> { c1-- c2-- } } } c1 = 0 c2 = 0 for(num in nums){ if(num==e1) c1++ if(num==e2) c2++ } var breakpoint = (nums.size/3+1) val ans = mutableListOf<Int>() if(c1>=breakpoint) ans.add(e1) if(c2>=breakpoint) ans.add(e2) return ans.toList() }
- Product of Array Except Self
- Optimal:
- Create Prefix Array, & Postfix Array
- Merge them to create Output Array
- TC: O(3N), SC: O(2N) (excluding output array)
- Optmial More:
- Create output array, store Prefix product first and then update with PostFix
- TC: O(2*N), SC: O(1)
fun productExceptSelf(nums: IntArray): IntArray { var n = nums.size var output = IntArray(n) var prefix = 1 for(i in 0 until n){ output[i] = prefix prefix *= nums[i] } var postfix = 1 for(i in n-1 downTo 0){ output[i] *= postfix postfix *= nums[i] } return output }
- Optimal:
- Container With Most Water
- Use Two pointers, start and end and fetch height of left and right
- store max in
ans=maxOf(ans, (end-start)*minOf(left,right))
fun maxArea(height: IntArray): Int { var start = 0 var end = height.size-1 var ans = 0 while(start<end){ var left = height[start] var right = height[end] ans = maxOf(ans, (end-start)*minOf(left,right)) if(left>right){ end-- }else{ start++ } } return ans }
- Daily Temperatures
fun dailyTemperatures(arr: IntArray): IntArray { var n = arr.size var result = IntArray(n){0} var stack = Stack<Int>() for(i in arr.indices){ while(stack.isNotEmpty() && arr[stack.peek()]<arr[i]){ var index = stack.pop() result[index] = i-index } stack.push(i) } return result }
- Next Greater Element I
fun nextGreaterElement(nums1: IntArray, nums2: IntArray): IntArray { val n = nums1.size var map = hashMapOf<Int,Int>() var stack = Stack<Int>() for(num in nums2){ while(stack.isNotEmpty() && stack.peek() < num){ map.put(stack.pop(), num) } stack.push(num) } for(i in nums1.indices){ nums1[i] = map.getOrDefault(nums1[i], -1) } return nums1 }
- Next Greater Element II
fun nextGreaterElements(nums: IntArray): IntArray { var stack = Stack<Int>() val n = nums.size var res = IntArray(n){-1} for(i in 0 until n*2){ var curIndex = i%n while(stack.isNotEmpty() && nums[stack.peek()] < nums[curIndex]){ var index = stack.pop() res[index] = nums[curIndex] } if(i<n){ stack.push(curIndex) } } return res }
- Grid Unique Paths
//using dp + matrix fun uniquePaths(m: Int, n: Int): Int { val dp = Array(m) { IntArray(n) {1} } for(i in 1 until m){ for(j in 1 until n){ dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] + dp[i][j-1] } } return dp[m-1][n-1] } //using dp + array fun uniquePaths(m: Int, n: Int): Int { val dp = IntArray(n) {1} for(i in 1 until m){ for(j in 1 until n){ dp[j] = dp[j] + dp[j-1] } } return dp[n-1] }
- Grid Unique Paths II
fun uniquePathsWithObstacles(grid: Array<IntArray>): Int { var row = grid.size var col = grid[0].size val arr = IntArray(col) arr[0] = 1 for(i in 0 until row){ for(j in 0 until col){ if(grid[i][j]==1){ arr[j] = 0 }else if(j>0){ arr[j] = arr[j] + arr[j-1] } } } return arr[col-1] }
Day 4: Array IV
- 2-sum Problem
- Brute Force:
- Use two loops and find the pair with target sum.
- TC: O(N*N)
- Better:
- Sort the array and use start and end pointers.
- TC: O(N*logN)
- Optimal:
- Use hashset store the values and find if difference exists
- TC: O(N), SC: O(N)
fun twoSum(nums: IntArray, target: Int): IntArray { var map = mutableMapOf<Int,Int>() for(i in nums.indices){ val num = nums[i] val dif = target-num if(map.contains(dif)){ return intArrayOf(map.get(dif)!!,i) } map[num] = i } return intArrayOf(-1,-1) }
- Brute Force:
- 4-sum Problem
- Brute Force:
- Use 4 loops and find all the quads
- TC: O(N^4)
- Better:
- Use 3 loops and set to eliminate 1 loop
- TC: O(N^3*log(M)),n-> size of array, m-> number of elements in set
- Optimal:
- Use two loops and two pointers i.e. start and end
- TC: O(N^3)
fun fourSum(nums: IntArray, target: Int): List<List<Int>> { val res:MutableList<List<Int>> = mutableListOf() nums.sort() var n = nums.size for(i in 0 until n-3){ if(i>0 && nums[i]==nums[i-1]) continue for(j in i+1 until n-2){ if(j>i+1 && nums[j]==nums[j-1]) continue var start = j+1 var end = n-1 var outerSum = nums[i].toLong()+nums[j].toLong() while(start<end){ var sum = outerSum + nums[start].toLong() + nums[end].toLong() when{ sum == target.toLong() -> { val ans = listOf(nums[i],nums[j],nums[start],nums[end]) res.add(ans) start++ end-- while(start<end && nums[start]==nums[start-1]) start++ while(start<end && nums[end]==nums[end+1]) end-- } sum < target.toLong() -> { start++ } sum > target.toLong() -> { end-- } } } } } return res }
- Brute Force:
- Longest Consecutive Sequence
- Brute Force:
- Use two loops and keep finding the next number storing the count
- TC: O(N^2)
- Better:
- Sort the array and easily find the consecutive sequence
- TC: O(N*logN)+O(N)
- Optimal:
- Using Set data structure
- TC: O(N)+O(2*N), SC: O(N)
fun longestConsecutive(nums: IntArray): Int { val set = hashSetOf<Int>() var max = 0 set.addAll(nums.toList()) for(num in set){ if(!set.contains(num-1)){ //if it exists, it will be covered in its turn with more count var count = 1 var cur = num while(set.contains(cur+1)){ cur+=1 count+=1 } maxOf(count,max) } } return max }
- Brute Force:
- Largest Subarray With K Sum
- Brute Force:
- Use two loops and find sum of all the possible subarrays
- TC: O(N)
- Optimize:
Prefix Sum
- Use sum to store the sum of all the elements till the current element
- Store the sum and its count in HashMap as key and value respectively
- Also find if map already contains
element, if true add the index to the count
fun subarraySum(nums: IntArray, k: Int): Int { var map = HashMap<Int,Int>() map.put(0,1) var count = 0 var sum = 0 for(num in nums){ sum += num if(map.contains(sum-k)){ count += map.get(sum-k)!! } map.put(sum,(map.get(sum)?:0)+1) } return count }
- Brute Force:
- Longest Substring Without Repeat
- Brute Force:
- Use two loops, first loop to iterate the string first char
- Second loop to iterate rest till found same and storing the max
- TC: O(N*N)
- Optimal:
- Use two pointers,
to create a subarray andHashSet
to store the chars - Check if set contains the
, if true, remove s[left] from set and move left one step - Else add
item in set and move right one step. - Update the max with
fun lengthOfLongestSubstring(s: String): Int { var max = 0 var set = HashSet<Char>() if(s.length==0||s.length==1) return s.length var start = 0 var end = 0 while(end<s.length){ var cur = s[end] if(set.contains(cur)){ set.remove(s[start]) start++ }else{ set.add(cur) end++ max = maxOf(max, set.size) } } return max }
- Use two pointers,
- Brute Force:
- Spiral Matrix
fun spiralOrder(matrix: Array<IntArray>): List<Int> { var col = matrix[0].size var row = matrix.size var top = 0 var left = 0 var bottom = row-1 var right = col-1 var ans = mutableListOf<Int>() while(top<=bottom && left<=right){ for(i in left..right) ans.add(matrix[top][i]) top++ for(i in top..bottom) ans.add(matrix[i][right]) right-- if(top<=bottom) { for(i in right downTo left) ans.add(matrix[bottom][i]) bottom-- } if(left<=right) { for(i in bottom downTo top) ans.add(matrix[i][left]) left++ } } return ans }
Day 5: Linked List
- Reverse Linked List
- Brute Force:
- Use another data structure like Stack
- Iterate the linked list to store and then iterate to update
- TC: O(2N), SC: O(N)
- Optimal
- TC: O(N)
//iterative fun reverse(head: ListNode?): ListNode?{ var cur = head var prev: ListNode? = null while(cur!=null){ var next = cur.next cur.next = prev prev = cur cur = next } return prev } //recursive fun reverseList(head: ListNode?): ListNode?{ if(head==null||head.next==null){ return head } var cur = head var newHead = reverseList(head.next) var next = cur.next next.next = cur cur.next = null return newHead }
- Brute Force:
- Middle Of Linked List
- Brute Force:
- Find the length of the list
- Find
mid = length/2+1
, and iterate till mid - TC: O(N+N/2)
- Optimal:
- Use slow and fast pointers.
- Move slow 1 step and fast 2 step, when fast reaches end, slow will be at mid.
fun middleNode(head: ListNode?): ListNode? { if(head == null || head.next == null){ return head } var slow = head var fast = head while(fast?.next!=null){ slow = slow?.next fast = fast?.next?.next } return slow }
- Brute Force:
- Merge Two sorted List
- Brute Force:
- Store all items in array and sort
- Create a new linked list using that array
- TC: O(N1+N2)+O(N*logN)+O(N)
- Optimal
- TC: O(N1+N2)
fun mergeTwoLists(list1: ListNode?, list2: ListNode?): ListNode? { val dummy = ListNode(-1) var res = dummy var cur1 = list1 var cur2 = list2 while(cur1!=null && cur2!=null){ if(cur1.`val` > cur2.`val`){ res.next = cur2 cur2 = cur2?.next }else{ res.next = cur1 cur1 = cur1?.next } res = res.next } if(cur1!=null) res.next = cur1 if(cur2!=null) res.next = cur2 return dummy.next }
- Brute Force:
- Delete nth node from end
- Brute Force:
- Find length of the list
- Remove (l-n-1)th item
- TC: O(L)+O(L-N)
- Optimal
- Use slow and fast pointers
- Move fast one step
0 until n
- If fast becomes, it’s head to be deleted:
return head.next
- Move slow and fast together till
becomes null - set
slow.next = slow.next.next
fun removeNthFromEnd(head: ListNode?, n: Int): ListNode? { var slow = head var fast = head for(i in 0 until n){ fast = fast?.next } if(fast==null) //if fast become null, nth node from end is head return head?.next while(fast?.next!=null){ fast = fast?.next slow = slow?.next } slow?.next = slow?.next?.next return head }
- Brute Force:
- Add Two Numbers
- Optimal
- TC: O(maxOf(M,N)), SC: O(maxOf(M,N))
fun addTwoNumbers(l1: ListNode?, l2: ListNode?): ListNode? { var first = l1 var sec = l2 var dummy = ListNode(-1) var ans = dummy var isReminder = false while(first!=null || sec!=null || isReminder){ var sum = (first?.`val` ?: 0) + (sec?.`val` ?: 0) sum += if(isReminder) 1 else 0 if(sum>9){ isReminder = true sum = sum%10 }else{ isReminder = false sum = sum } ans.next = ListNode(sum) ans = ans.next first = first?.next sec = sec?.next } return dummy.next }
- Optimal
- Delete node in linked list
- Optimal
- TC: O(1)
fun deleteNode(node: ListNode?) { node?.next?.`val` = node?.`val` node?.next = node?.next?.next }
- Optimal
Day 6: Linked List II
- Find Interaction Point of Y LinkedList
- Brute Force:
- Just like two loops, put one loop on head and iterate the other who linked list to find if it exists.
- Repeat this step for all nodes till found same.
- TC: O(M*N)
- Better:
Reduce the length
- Find the length of both the linked lists.
- Move the bigger list by the difference of their lengths.
- Start moving both points same step till found same.
- TC: O(2*maxOf(M,N))+O(abs(M,n))+O(minOf(M,N))
fun getIntersectionNode(headA:ListNode?, headB:ListNode?):ListNode? { var count1 = 0 var cur1 = headA while(cur1!=null){ //find l1 cur1 = cur1?.next count1++ } var count2 = 0 var cur2 = headB while(cur2!=null){ //finf l2 cur2 = cur2?.next count2++ } if(cur1!=cur2) return null cur1 = headA cur2 = headB if(count1>count2){ var dif = count1-count2 for(i in 0 until dif){ cur1 = cur1?.next } }else{ var dif = count2-count1 for(i in 0 until dif){ cur2 = cur2?.next } } while(cur1!=cur2){ cur1 = cur1?.next cur2 = cur2?.next } return cur1 }
- Optimal:
- Put cur1 and cur2 on respective headers
- Once one becomes null, move them to next list headers and they will collide at interaction
- TC: O(2*maxOf(M,N))
- Brute Force:
- Detect A Cycle In Linked List
- Brute Force:
- Store the nodes in hashmap and keep searching if node already exists
- TC: O(N2log(N)), SC: O(N)
- Optimal:
Tortoise and Hare Algorithm
- Move slow and fast pointers till they collide
- TC: O(N)
fun hasCycle(head: ListNode?): Boolean { if(head==null || head.next == null) return false var slow = head var fast = head while(fast!=null && fast?.next!=null){ slow = slow?.next fast = fast?.next?.next if(slow==fast) return true } return false }
- Brute Force:
- Reverse Nodes in K Group
- Optimal:
- Check if atleast k nodes remaining
- Find the tail of the K group
- Store the nextHead and break the chain
- Reverse the smaller group and find tail of the reversed group
- If first group, update newHead with currentGroupHead, else attach the curTail to currentGroupHead
fun reverseKGroup(head: ListNode?, k: Int): ListNode? { var cur = head var curTail: ListNode? = null var newHead: ListNode? = null while(cur!=null){ //check if atleast k nodes remaining var count = 0 var temp = cur while(temp != null && count<k){ count++ temp = temp?.next } if(count<k){ curTail?.next = cur break } //find the tail of group var curHead = cur for(i in 0 until k-1){ cur = cur?.next } //store the nextHead and break the chain var nextHead = cur?.next cur?.next = null //reverse thes smaller list val newGroupHead = reverse(curHead) //find tail of revsersed group var newGroupTail = newGroupHead while(newGroupTail?.next!=null){ newGroupTail = newGroupTail?.next } //if first group, update newHead i.e. answer if(newHead == null){ newHead = newGroupHead }else{ //for next groups we need to link curTail curTail?.next = newGroupHead } curTail = curHead curTail?.next = null cur=nextHead } return newHead?:head }
- Optimal:
- Palindrome Linked List
- Brute Force:
- Use Stack data structure and push all items in stack
- Start checking again from top of stack while iterating start to end in linked list
- TC: O(2*N), SC: O(N)
- Optimal:
- Find the mid and node before mid
- Break the connection from before mid to mid
- Reverse the linked list from mid
- Compare both lists together
- TC: O(N/2+N/2+N/2+N/2) = O(2*N)
fun isPalindrome(head: ListNode?): Boolean { if(head==null) return false if(head?.next == null) return true var slow = head var fast = head var prev: ListNode? = null while(fast?.next!=null){ prev = slow slow = slow?.next fast = fast?.next?.next } prev?.next = null var halfHead = reverse(slow) var cur1 = head var cur2 = halfHead while(cur1!=null && cur2!=null){ if(cur1?.`val` != cur2?.`val`){ return false } cur1 = cur1?.next cur2 = cur2?.next } return true }
- Brute Force:
- Linked List Cycle II/STarting Point of Cycle
- Brute Force:
- Store the items in hashmap and exit as soon as we find the item in map
- TC: O(N), SC: O(N)
- Optimal:
Tortoise and Hare Algorithm
- Use slow and fast pointers
fun detectCycle(head: ListNode?): ListNode? { if(head==null || head?.next==null) return null if(head?.next==head) return head var slow = head var fast = head while(fast!=null&&fast?.next!=null){ slow = slow?.next fast = fast?.next?.next if(slow == fast) break } slow = head while(slow!=fast){ slow = slow?.next fast = fast?.next } return slow }
- Brute Force:
- Reorder List
- Find mid
- Split the list
- Reverser second half
- Merge both lists
fun reorderList(head: ListNode?): Unit { if(head==null || head?.next == null) return //find mid var slow = head var fast = head while(fast?.next!=null){ slow = slow?.next fast = fast?.next?.next } //split val firstHalfEnd = slow var secondHalfStart = slow?.next firstHalfEnd?.next = null //reverse second half secondHalfStart = reverse(secondHalfStart) //merge both var p1 = head var p2 = secondHalfStart while (p2 != null) { val next1 = p1?.next val next2 = p2?.next p1?.next = p2 p2?.next = next1 p1 = next1 p2 = next2 } }
Day 7: Linked List, Arrays
- Rotate Linked List K Times
- Brute Force:
- For each K, move the last element from the list to first.
- TC: O(N*K)
- Optimal:
- Find length of list, and then
- Convert list to cycle by
- Find the breakpoint using reminder
- Mark
and break the connectioncur.next=null
fun rotateRight(head: ListNode?, k: Int): ListNode? { if(head==null||head?.next==null||k==0) return head var count = 1 var cur = head while(cur?.next!=null){ //find length of list cur = cur?.next count++ } cur?.next = head //convert list to cycle var reminder = k%count var lastIndex = count-reminder for(i in 0 until lastIndex){ cur = cur?.next //find the breakpoint } var newHead = cur?.next cur?.next = null return newHead }
- Find length of list, and then
- Brute Force:
- 3 Sum
- Brute Force:
- Use 3 loops and find the triplets.
- Can be sorted later on with the result to remove the duplicates.
- TC: O(N^3)
- Better:
- Sort and Use 2 loops and HashSet to find the triplets
- TC: O(N^2log(no. of unique triplets)), SC: O(2(no of unique triplets))+O(N)
- Optimal:
- Sort and use 1 loop and 2 pointers start and end.
- TC: O(N*logN)+O(N^2)
fun threeSum(nums: IntArray): List<List<Int>> { var ans: MutableList<List<Int>> = mutableListOf() nums.sort() var n = nums.size for(i in 0 until n){ val num = nums[i] if(i > 0 && nums[i]==nums[i-1]) continue var start = i+1 var end = n-1 while(start<end){ var sum = nums[start] + nums[end] + num when { sum == 0 -> { ans.add(listOf(num,nums[start],nums[end])) start++ end-- while(start<end && nums[start]==nums[start-1]) start++ while(start<end && nums[end]==nums[end+1]) end-- } sum > 0 -> { end-- } sum < 0 -> { start++ } } } } return ans }
- Brute Force:
- Trapping Rainwater
- Brute Force:
- Take 1 loop to iterate all the items
- Use start and end pointers to find the max heights on left and right of each index and find the dif.
- TC: O(N*N)
- Better:
- Take two arrays prefix and suffix to store the maxLeft and maxRight for all the elements
- Then use
to find the answer - TC: O(3*N)
static int trap(int[] arr) { int n = arr.length; int prefix[] = new int[n]; int suffix[] = new int[n]; prefix[0] = arr[0]; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { prefix[i] = Math.max(prefix[i - 1], arr[i]); } suffix[n - 1] = arr[n - 1]; for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) { suffix[i] = Math.max(suffix[i + 1], arr[i]); } int waterTrapped = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { waterTrapped += Math.min(prefix[i], suffix[i]) - arr[i]; } return waterTrapped; }
- Optimal:
Two Pointer Approach
- Take two pointers left and right and point to 0 and n-1
- Take two vairables maxLeft and maxRight to 0 and 0
fun trap(height: IntArray): Int { var ans = 0 var left = 0 var right = height.size-1 var maxLeft = 0 var maxRight = 0 while(left<=right){ if(height[left]<=height[right]){ if(height[left]>maxLeft){ maxLeft = height[left] }else{ ans+=maxLeft-height[left] } left++ }else{ if(height[right]>maxRight){ maxRight = height[right] }else{ ans+=maxRight-height[right] } right-- } } return ans }
- Brute Force:
- Remove Duplicare From Sorted Array
- Brute Force:
- Use HashSet to store distinct elements
- Optimal:
Use Two Pointers
- Use i to iterate array and newIndex pointer which moves with removed duplicates.
- TC: O(N)
fun removeDuplicates(nums: IntArray): Int { var newIndex = 1 for(num in nums){ if(num != nums[newIndex-1]){ nums[newIndex++]=num } } return newIndex }
- Brute Force:
- Max Consequtive Ones
- Optimal:
- Maintain count, increase if 1 or set 0 if found 0.
- update max on each iterations
- TC: O(N)
fun findMaxConsecutiveOnes(nums: IntArray): Int { var max = 0 var count = 0 var n = nums.size for(i in 0 until n){ var num = nums[i] when(num){ 1 -> count++ else -> count=0 } max = maxOf(max,count) } return max }
- Optimal:
- Next Greater Node In Linked List
- Create list of value and apply
monotonic stack
fun nextLargerNodes(head: ListNode?): IntArray { var list = mutableListOf<Int>() var cur = head while(cur!=null){ list.add(cur.`val`) cur=cur.next } var stack = Stack<Int>() var result = IntArray(list.size){0} for(i in list.indices){ while(stack.isNotEmpty() && list[stack.peek()] < list[i]){ val index = stack.pop() result[index] = list[i] } stack.push(i) } return result }
- Create list of value and apply
Day 8: Greey Algorithm
Day 9: Recursion
- Combination Sum 1-2-3
//combination sum 1: items can be used multiple times fun combinationSum(candidates: IntArray, target: Int): List<List<Int>> { var res: MutableList<List<Int>> = mutableListOf() fun comb(start: Int, ans: MutableList<Int>,target:Int){ if(target==0){ res.add(ans.toList()) return } if(target<0) return for(i in start until candidates.size){ ans.add(candidates[i]) comb(i,ans,target-candidates[i]) ans.removeLast() } } comb(0,mutableListOf(),target) return res } //combination sum 2: each item can be used once fun combinationSum2(candidates: IntArray, target: Int): List<List<Int>> { var res: MutableList<List<Int>> = mutableListOf() candidates.sort() fun comb(start: Int, ans: MutableList<Int>,target:Int){ if(target==0){ res.add(ans.toList()) return } if(target<0) return for(i in start until candidates.size){ if(i > start && candidates[i]==candidates[i-1]) continue ans.add(candidates[i]) comb(i+1,ans,target-candidates[i]) ans.removeLast() } } comb(0,mutableListOf(),target) return res } //combination sum 3: find combination of size k using 1..9 fun combinationSum3(k: Int, target: Int): List<List<Int>> { var res: MutableList<List<Int>> = mutableListOf() var candidates = mutableListOf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) fun comb(start: Int, ans: MutableList<Int>,target:Int){ if(target==0){ if(ans.size==k){ res.add(ans.toList()) return } } if(target<0) return for(i in start until candidates.size){ if(i > start && candidates[i]==candidates[i-1]) continue ans.add(candidates[i]) comb(i+1,ans,target-candidates[i]) ans.removeLast() } } comb(0,mutableListOf(),target) return res }
- Subset 1-2
//1. Given an integer array nums of unique elements, return all possible subsets(the power set). var ans: MutableList<List<Int>> = mutableListOf() var temp: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf() fun subsets(nums: IntArray): List<List<Int>> { backTrack(nums,0) return ans } fun backTrack(nums:IntArray,start:Int){ ans.add(temp.toList()) for(i in start until nums.size){ temp.add(nums[i]) backTrack(nums,i+1) temp.removeAt(temp.size-1) } } //2. Given an integer array nums that may contain duplicates, return all possible subsets (the power set). fun subsetsWithDup(nums: IntArray): List<List<Int>> { nums.sort() var ans: MutableList<List<Int>> = mutableListOf() var temp: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf() fun backTrack(nums:IntArray,start:Int){ ans.add(temp.toList()) for(i in start until nums.size){ if(i>start && nums[i]==nums[i-1]) continue temp.add(nums[i]) backTrack(nums,i+1) temp.removeAt(temp.size-1) } } backTrack(nums,0) return ans }
Day 10: Recursion, Backtracking
Day 11
Day 12: Heaps
- Kth Largest Element
fun findKthLargest(nums: IntArray, k: Int): Int { val minHeap = PriorityQueue<Int>() for(num in nums){ minHeap.add(num) if(minHeap.size>k) minHeap.poll() } return minHeap.peek() }
- Top K Frequent Elements
- Better:
- Store frquency in HashMap
- Move map to PriorityQueue:
val minHeap = PriorityQueue<Pair<Int,Int>>(compareBy {it.second})
- TC: O(N*logk), SC: O(N+k)
fun topKFrequent(nums: IntArray, k: Int): IntArray { var freqMap = hashMapOf<Int,Int>() for(num in nums){ freqMap[num] = freqMap.getOrDefault(num, 0)+1 } val minHeap = PriorityQueue<Pair<Int,Int>>(compareBy {it.second}) for(item in freqMap){ minHeap.add(Pair(item.key,item.value)) if(minHeap.size>k){ minHeap.poll() } } return minHeap.map{ it.first }.toIntArray() }
- Optimal:
Quickselect (Hoare's selection algorithm)
- Better:
- Find Median from Data Stream
- Optimal:
- Use Two Priority Queues
- MaxHeap for first half of items
- MinHeap for second half of items
- TC: O(logN), O(1)
val maxHeap = PriorityQueue<Int>(compareByDescending {it}) val minHeap = PriorityQueue<Int>() var isEven = true fun addNum(num: Int) { if(isEven){ minHeap.add(num) maxHeap.add(minHeap.poll()) }else{ maxHeap.add(num) minHeap.add(maxHeap.poll()) } isEven = !isEven } fun findMedian(): Double { return if(isEven){ (maxHeap.peek()+minHeap.peek())/2.0 } else { maxHeap.peek().toDouble() } }
- Optimal:
- **Sliding Window Maximum
fun maxSlidingWindow(nums: IntArray, k: Int): IntArray { if (nums.isEmpty() || k <= 0) return intArrayOf() val result = mutableListOf<Int>() val deque = ArrayDeque<Int>() for (i in nums.indices) { // Remove indices that are out of the current window if (deque.isNotEmpty() && deque.first() < i - k + 1) { deque.removeFirst() } // Remove elements from the deque that are smaller than the current element while (deque.isNotEmpty() && nums[deque.last()] < nums[i]) { deque.removeLast() } // Add the current element's index to the deque deque.addLast(i) // Add the maximum for the current window to the result if (i >= k - 1) { result.add(nums[deque.first()]) } } return result.toIntArray() }
Day 13: Stack and Queues
- Implement Stack Using Array
- Push:
- Pop:
- Push:
- Implement Queue Using Array
- Use Array in Ciruclar way and use Front and Rear to find the corresponding indexes.
- Implement Stack Using Queues
private var q1: Queue<Int> = LinkedList() private var q2: Queue<Int> = LinkedList() fun push(x: Int) { q2.offer(x) while(q1.isNotEmpty()){ q2.offer(q1.poll()) } q1 = q2.also { q2 = q1 } } fun pop(): Int { return q1.poll() } fun top(): Int { return q1.peek() } fun empty(): Boolean { return q1.isEmpty() }
- Implement Queue Using Stack
- Create two stack, pushStack, popStack
- push(): insert in pushStack
- pop(): remove from popStack, if it’s empty, move all items from pushStack to popStack first.
val pushStack = Stack<Int>() val popStack = Stack<Int>() fun push(x: Int) { pushStack.push(x) } fun pop(): Int { peek() return popStack.pop() } fun peek(): Int { if (popStack.isEmpty()) { while (pushStack.isNotEmpty()) { popStack.add(pushStack.pop()) } } return popStack.peek() } fun empty(): Boolean { return popStack.isEmpty() && pushStack.isEmpty() }
- Valid Parentheses
fun isValid(s: String): Boolean { val stack = Stack<Char>() for(char in s){ when(char){ '(' -> stack.push(')') '[' -> stack.push(']') '{' -> stack.push('}') else -> { if(stack.isEmpty() || stack.pop() != char) return false } } } return stack.isEmpty() }
Day 14: Stack and Queues II
- Next Smaller Element
- Create 4 functions for doubly-linked list
- removeTail, removeNode, moveToHead, addToHead
data class LruNode(var key: Int, var value: Int) { var prev: LruNode? = null var next: LruNode? = null } private var cap = -1 private val cache = mutableMapOf<Int, LruNode>() private val head = LruNode(0, 0) private val tail = LruNode(0, 0) init { head.next = tail tail.prev = head cap = capacity } fun get(key: Int): Int { val node = cache[key] ?: return -1 moveToHead(node) return node.value } fun put(key: Int, value: Int) { if(cache.containsKey(key)){ val node = cache[key]!! node?.value = value moveToHead(node) }else{ if(cache.size==cap){ val tail = removeTail() cache.remove(tail.key) } val newNode = LruNode(key,value) cache[key] = newNode addToHead(newNode) } } private fun removeTail(): LruNode{ val toRemove = tail.prev!! removeNode(toRemove) return toRemove } private fun removeNode(node: LruNode){ node.next?.prev = node.prev node.prev?.next = node.next } private fun moveToHead(node: LruNode){ removeNode(node) addToHead(node) } private fun addToHead(node: LruNode){ node.next = head.next head.next?.prev = node node.prev = head head.next = node }
- Create 4 functions for doubly-linked list
- LFU cache
- Largest rectangle in a histogram
- Sliding Window maximum
fun maxSlidingWindow(nums: IntArray, k: Int): IntArray { if (nums.isEmpty() || k <= 0) return intArrayOf() val result = mutableListOf<Int>() val deque = ArrayDeque<Int>() for (i in nums.indices) { // If the first element in deque is outside current window, remove it if (deque.isNotEmpty() && deque.first() < i - k + 1) { deque.removeFirst() } // Remove all elements smaller than current element while (deque.isNotEmpty() && nums[deque.last()] < nums[i]) { deque.removeLast() } // Add current index to deque deque.addLast(i) // First element in deque is always maximum of current window if (i >= k - 1) { result.add(nums[deque.first()]) } } return result.toIntArray() }
- Implement Min Stack
- Rotten Orange (Using BFS)
- Stock span problem
- Find the maximum of minimums of every window size
- The Celebrity Problem
Day 15: String
- Reverse Words in a String
fun reverseWords(s: String): String { var stack = Stack<String>() var i = 0 while(i<s.length){ var ans = " " if(s[i]==' '){ i++ }else{ while(i<s.length && s[i]!=' '){ ans+=s[i] i++ } stack.push(ans) } } var res = "" while(stack.isNotEmpty()){ res+=stack.pop() } return res.trim() }
- Longest Palindromic Substring
- For each i index of string, expand left and right
- for odd: left,right
- for evem: left, right+1
fun longestPalindrome(s: String): String { var n = s.length var max = 0 var start = 0 var end = 0 fun expand(left: Int, right: Int){ var l = left var r = right while(l>=0 && r<n && s[l]==s[r]){ if(r-l+1 > max){ max = r-l+1 start = l end = r } l-- r++ } } for(i in s.indices){ expand(i,i) expand(i,i+1) } return s.substring(start,end+1) }
- Longest Common Prefix
fun longestCommonPrefix(strs: Array<String>): String { strs.sort() var first = strs[0] var last = strs[strs.size-1] var i = 0 while(i<first.length && i < last.length && first[i]==last[i]){ i++ } return first.substring(0,i) }
Day 16: String II
- Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid
- Use openCount and closeCounts
- If “(“, increase openCount, else check if openCount>0 and then either decrease openCount or increase closeCount
fun minAddToMakeValid(s: String): Int { var oc = 0 var cc = 0 for(char in s){ if(char=='(') oc++ else { if(oc>0){ oc-- //balance previous open }else{ cc++ //count unbalanced oc } } } return oc+cc }
Day 17: Binary Tree
- InOrder, PreOrder, PostOrder Traversal
//inOrder fun inorder(root:TreeNode?){ if(root!==null){ inorder(root.left) res.add(root.`val`) inorder(root.right) } } //preOrder fun preOrder(root:TreeNode?){ if(root!==null){ res.add(root.`val`) preOrder(root.left) preOrder(root.right) } } //postOrder fun postOrder(root:TreeNode?){ if(root!==null){ postOrder(root.left) postOrder(root.right) res.add(root.`val`) } }
- Binary Tree Left/Right Side View
- BFS: Store the first and last node at each Level
- DFS:
fun rightSideView(root: TreeNode?): List<Int> { val result = mutableListOf<Int>() fun rightView(root: TreeNode?,currDepth: Int){ if(root==null){ return } if(currDepth == result.size){ result.add(root.`val`) } //for right side view rightView(root.right, currDepth+1) rightView(root.left, currDepth+1) //for left side view rightView(root.left, currDepth+1) rightView(root.right, currDepth+1) } rightView(root,0) return result }
- Maximum Width of Binary Tree
fun widthOfBinaryTree(root: TreeNode?): Int { val q: ArrayDeque<Pair<TreeNode, Int>> = ArrayDeque() var max = 0 if(root==null) return 0 q.addLast(Pair(root,0)) while(q.isNotEmpty()){ val size = q.size val firstIndex = q.first().second var lastIndex = firstIndex for(i in 0 until size){ val (node, index) = q.removeFirst() lastIndex = index node.left?.let { q.addLast(Pair(it, 2*index)) } node.right?.let { q.addLast(Pair(it, 2*index+1)) } } val curWidth = lastIndex-firstIndex+1 max = maxOf(curWidth, max) } return max }
- *Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree
fun maxLevelSum(root: TreeNode?): Int { val q = ArrayDeque<TreeNode>() var maxSum = Int.MIN_VALUE var maxIndex = 1 var curIndex = 1 if(root==null) return 0 q.addLast(root) while(q.isNotEmpty()){ val size = q.size var curLevelSum = 0 for(i in 0 until size){ val cur = q.removeFirst() curLevelSum += cur.`val` cur.left?.let { q.addLast(it) } cur.right?.let { q.addLast(it) } } if(curLevelSum>maxSum){ maxSum = curLevelSum maxIndex = curIndex } curIndex++ } return maxIndex }
Day 18: Binary Tree II
- Level Order Traversal
fun levelOrder(root: TreeNode?): List<List<Int>> { var ans = mutableListOf<List<Int>>() val q = ArrayDeque<TreeNode>() if(root==null) return ans q.addLast(root) while(q.isNotEmpty()){ val size = q.size val curList = mutableListOf<Int>() for(i in 0 until size){ val cur = q.removeFirst() curList.add(cur.`val`) cur.left?.let { q.addLast(it) } cur.right?.let { q.addLast(it) } } ans.add(curList) } return ans }
- Height/Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
fun maxDepth(root: TreeNode?): Int { if(root==null) return 0 return maxOf(maxDepth(root.left),maxDepth(root.right))+1 }
fun diameterOfBinaryTree(root: TreeNode?): Int { var max = 0 fun maxDepth(root:TreeNode?): Int { if(root==null) return 0 val left = maxDepth(root.left) val right = maxDepth(root.right) max = maxOf(max,left+right) return maxOf(left,right)+1 } maxDepth(root) return max }
- Zig Zag Traversal of Binary Tree
fun zigzagLevelOrder(root: TreeNode?): List<List<Int>> { val ans = mutableListOf<List<Int>>() if(root==null) return ans val q = ArrayDeque<TreeNode>() q.addLast(root) var isLtoR = true while(q.isNotEmpty()){ val size = q.size val curList = mutableListOf<Int>() for(i in 0 until size){ if(isLtoR){ val cur = q.removeFirst() curList.add(cur.`val`) cur.left?.let { q.addLast(it) } cur.right?.let { q.addLast(it) } }else{ val cur = q.removeLast() curList.add(cur.`val`) cur.right?.let { q.addFirst(it) } cur.left?.let { q.addFirst(it) } } } isLtoR = !isLtoR ans.add(curList) } return ans }
- Check if two trees are identical
fun isSameTree(p: TreeNode?, q: TreeNode?): Boolean { if(p==null && q==null) return true if(p==null || q==null) return false if(p?.`val` != q?.`val`) return false return isSameTree(p.left,q.left) && isSameTree(p.right,q.right) }
- Lowest Common Ancestor
fun lowestCommonAncestor(root: TreeNode?, p: TreeNode?, q: TreeNode?): TreeNode? { if(root==null) return null if(root==q || root==p) return root val left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left,p,q) val right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right,p,q) if(left==null) return right if(right==null) return left return root }
- Level Order Traversal II
fun levelOrderBottom(root: TreeNode?): List<List<Int>> { var ans = mutableListOf<List<Int>>() val q = ArrayDeque<TreeNode>() if(root==null) return ans q.addLast(root) while(q.isNotEmpty()){ val size = q.size val curList = mutableListOf<Int>() for(i in 0 until size){ val cur = q.removeFirst() curList.add(cur.`val`) cur.left?.let { q.addLast(it) } cur.right?.let { q.addLast(it) } } ans.add(0,curList) } return ans }
Day 19: Binary Tree III
- *Invert Binary Tree
fun invertTree(root: TreeNode?): TreeNode? { if(root==null) { return null } val left = invertTree(root.left) val right = invertTree(root.right) root.left = right root.right = left return root }
- Flatten Binary Tree
fun flatten(root: TreeNode?): Unit { var cur = root while(cur!=null){ if(cur.left!=null){ var prev = cur.left while(prev.right!=null){ prev = prev.right } prev.right = cur.right cur.right = cur.left cur.left = null } cur = cur.right } }
- Construct Binary Tree From PreOrder & InOrder
fun buildTree(preorder: IntArray, inorder: IntArray): TreeNode? { if(preorder.size==0) return null val r = preorder[0] val i = inorder.indexOf(r) val root = TreeNode(r) root.left = buildTree(preorder.copyOfRange(1,i+1), inorder.copyOfRange(0,i)) root.right = buildTree(preorder.copyOfRange(i+1,preorder.size), inorder.copyOfRange(i+1,inorder.size)) return root }
- Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder
fun buildTree(inorder: IntArray, postorder: IntArray): TreeNode? { if(postorder.isEmpty()) return null val r = postorder.last() val i = inorder.indexOf(r) val root = TreeNode(r) root.left = buildTree(inorder.copyOfRange(0,i), postorder.copyOfRange(0,i)) root.right = buildTree(inorder.copyOfRange(i+1,inorder.size), postorder.copyOfRange(i,postorder.size-1)) return root }
- Symmetric Tree
Code fun isSymmetric(root: TreeNode?): Boolean { fun isMirror(left: TreeNode?, right: TreeNode?): Boolean { if(left==null && right==null) return true if(left==null || right==null) return false return (left.`val` == right.`val`) && isMirror(left?.left, right?.right) && isMirror(left?,right, right?.left) } return isMirror(root,root) }
- Maximum Path Sum
fun maxPathSum(root: TreeNode?): Int { var maxSum = Int.MIN_VALUE fun pathSum(root: TreeNode?): Int { if(root==null) return 0 val left = maxOf(0,pathSum(root.left)) val right = maxOf(0,pathSum(root.right)) maxSum = maxOf(maxSum, left+right+root.`val`) return root.`val`+maxOf(left,right) } pathSum(root) return maxSum }
- *Average Of Levels in Binary Tree
fun averageOfLevels(root: TreeNode?): DoubleArray { val q = ArrayDeque<TreeNode>() val ans = mutableListOf<Double>() if(root==null) return ans.toDoubleArray() q.addLast(root) while(q.isNotEmpty()){ val size = q.size var curLevelSum = 0.0 for(i in 0 until size){ val cur = q.removeFirst() curLevelSum += cur.`val` cur.left?.let { q.addLast(it) } cur.right?.let { q.addLast(it) } } ans.add(curLevelSum.toDouble()/size.toDouble()) } return ans.toDoubleArray() }
Day 20: Binary Search Tree
- Populating Next Right Pointes To Each Node
fun connect(root: Node?): Node? { if(root==null) return root var leftMost = root while(leftMost?.left!=null){ var cur = leftMost while(cur!=null){ cur?.left?.next = cur?.right if(cur.next!=null){ cur?.right?.next = cur?.next?.left } cur = cur?.next } leftMost = leftMost?.left } return root }
- Search in BST
fun searchBST(root: TreeNode?, `val`: Int): TreeNode? { if(root==null) return null if(root.`val` == `val`){ return root } return if(root.`val`>`val`){ searchBST(root?.left,`val`) }else{ searchBST(root?.right,`val`) } }
- Validate BST
fun isValidBST(root: TreeNode?): Boolean { fun validateInner(root: TreeNode?, min:Long, max: Long): Boolean { if(root==null) return true if(root.`val` >= max || root.`val` <= min) return false return validateInner(root.left,min,root.`val`.toLong()) && validateInner(root.right, root.`val`.toLong(),max) } return validateInner(root, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE) }
- Lowest Common Ancestor
fun lowestCommonAncestor(root: TreeNode?, p: TreeNode?, q: TreeNode?): TreeNode? { if(root==null) return null if(root==q || root==p) return root val left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left,p,q) val right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right,p,q) if(left==null) return right if(right==null) return left return root }
Day 21: Binary Search Tree II
- Find Median from Data Stream
- Create minHeap, maxHeap, isEven
: if(even) add num in minHeap, and add minHeap.poll() to maxHeap, else vice versafindMedian()
: if(even)maxHeap.peek()+minHeap.peek()/2.0
else maxHeap.peek()
val maxHeap = PriorityQueue<Int>(compareByDescending {it}) val minHeap = PriorityQueue<Int>() var isEven = true fun addNum(num: Int) { if(isEven){ minHeap.add(num) maxHeap.add(minHeap.poll()) }else{ maxHeap.add(num) minHeap.add(maxHeap.poll()) } isEven = !isEven } fun findMedian(): Double { return if(isEven){ (maxHeap.peek()+minHeap.peek())/2.0 } else { maxHeap.peek().toDouble() } }
- Two Sum: Binary Search Tree
fun findTarget(root: TreeNode?, k: Int): Boolean { val set = hashSetOf<Int>() fun search(root: TreeNode?, k: Int): Boolean { if(root==null) return false if(set.contains(k-root. `val`)){ return true } set.add(root.`val`) return search(root.left,k) || search(root.right,k) } return search(root,k) }
- *Sum Root To Leaf Number
fun sumNumbers(root: TreeNode?): Int { fun dfs(root: TreeNode?, s: Int): Int{ if(root==null) return 0 var sum = s*10+root.`val` if(root.left==null && root.right==null) return sum return dfs(root.left,sum)+dfs(root.right,sum) } return dfs(root,0) }
Day 22: Binary Tree (Miscellaneous)
- Kth Largest Element in a Stream
val heap = PriorityQueue<Int>(k) init { for(num in nums){ add(num) } } fun add(v: Int): Int { heap.add(v) if(heap.size > k) heap.poll() return heap.peek() }
- K-th largest element in an unsorted array
- Use
fun findKthLargest(nums: IntArray, k: Int): Int { val minHeap = PriorityQueue<Int>() for(num in nums){ minHeap.add(num) if(minHeap.size>k) minHeap.poll() } return minHeap.peek() }
- Use
Day 23: Graph
fun main() {
// Graph as an adjacency list
val graph = mapOf(
0 to listOf(1, 2),
1 to listOf(0, 3, 4),
2 to listOf(0, 5, 6),
3 to listOf(1),
4 to listOf(1),
5 to listOf(2),
6 to listOf(2)
- Breadth First Search
- Create hashSetof() to store visited elements
- Create queue to iterate the elements
- Create mutableListof() to store the answer
- add starting node in queue and visited, and iterate all neighbour till queue is empty while add in queue and visited after checking if visited=false
fun bfs(graph: Map<Int, List<Int>>, startNode: Int): List<Int> { val visited = hashSetOf<Int>() val result = mutableListOf<Int>() val queue: Queue<Int> = LinkedList() queue.add(startNode) visited.add(startNode) while(queue.isNotEmpty()){ val node = queue.poll() result.add(node) for(neighbour in graph[node] ?: emptyList()){ if(!visited.contains(neighbour)){ queue.add(neighbour) visited.add(neighbour) } } } return result }
- Depth First Search
- TC: O(N) + (2*Edges) ,SC: O(N)+O(N)+O(N) ~ O(N)
//recursive fun dfsRecursive(graph: Map<Int, List<Int>>, curNode: Int, visited: MutableSet<Int>, result: MutableList<Int>) { visited.add(curNode) result.add(curNode) for(neighbour in graph[curNode] ?: emptyList()){ if(neighbour !in visited){ dfsRecursive(graph, neighbour, visited, result) } } } //iterative fun dfsIterative(graph: Map<Int, List<Int>>, startNode: Int): List<Int> { val visited = mutableSetOf<Int>() val stack = Stack<Int>() val result = mutableListOf<Int>() stack.push(startNode) while(stack.isNotEmpty()){ var cur = stack.pop() if(cur !in visited){ visited.add(cur) result.add(cur) for(neighbour in graph[cur] ?: emptyList()){ if(neighbour !in visited){ stack.push(neighbour) } } } } return result }
- *Rotten Oranges
- Create queue of Triple(row,col, time) and add all the rotten orange cordinates, and count freshOranges
- Create list of Pairs representing all 4 directions allowed
- Iterate queue till empty, using poll() and find newRow and newCol using 4 directions
- Check if newRow and newCol are valid and contains fresh orange
- if true, add in queue, mark fresh(1) as rotten (2) and freshOranges–,
fun orangesRotting(grid: Array<IntArray>): Int { var row = grid.size var col = grid[0].size var queue: Queue<Triple<Int, Int, Int>> = LinkedList() var freshOranges = 0 //create queue using current state of grid for(i in 0 until row){ for(j in 0 until col){ when(grid[i][j]){ 2 -> queue.add(Triple(i,j,0)) 1 -> freshOranges++ } } } if(freshOranges==0) return 0 val directions = listOf( Pair(0, 1), // Right Pair(1, 0), // Down Pair(0, -1), // Left Pair(-1, 0) // Up ) var minutes = 0 //bfs while(queue.isNotEmpty()){ val (r, c, time) = queue.poll() minutes = time //spread rot to all 4 directions for((dx,dy) in directions){ val newRow = r+dx val newCol = c+dy //check if new cordinates are valid and fresh if(newRow in 0 until row && newCol in 0 until col && grid[newRow][newCol]==1) { grid[newRow][newCol] = 2 freshOranges-- queue.add(Triple(newRow, newCol, time+1)) } } } return if (freshOranges == 0) minutes else -1 }
Day 23: Graph II
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